Monday 17 May 2010

Closed Season Reds

Well we can't call it blues, can we? Don't you just hate the closed season? It can't have got off to a worse start (a bit like our season gone by) with having to put up with the aftermath of the Arabs having won the Cup! Gads, they'll be on about it for years. The only good part of that story is that the trophy didn't go to either of the Old Farm, but this was next worst. It would have been good to see Derek Adams picking this one up with Ross County, he is a man the Red Army should monitor closely along with any other young but up and coming managers - you never know....
On to the summer then - We hear that the Dons' pre-season plans are taking shape with up to seven matches in process of being arranged ahead of the big kick-off in August. There'll be three games in Scotland before they go off to a training camp in England where they will play three teams in the vicinity. Then it'll be back to Pittodrie for a home match against English Premiership opposition. All names to be revealed very soon.

The transfer market is deadly dull just now, but players and managers are probably mostly on holiday so it will likely be a couple of weeks before we hear of much to our advantage. At least loads of the young Dons have been fixed up so there is some continuity of the promising brigade, some of whom we should see featuring a bit more next season. What they desperately need, though, is the experienced pros who will carry the club till the young lads are not so young and much more experienced. Bring it on.

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