Friday 4 June 2010

Not So Quiet on the Pittodrie Front

Football may go to sleep for a few weeks in early summer (ignoring the World Cup which is already so hyped to death it has become a drag) but plenty stirs inside Pittodrie.
Now's the time for all kinds of maintenance work to be done, stepping up the rate of seat replacement, getting new carpets down, painting, electrics, structural stuff. Then there's the high energy work to do on restoring the pitch to full glory after the ravages of the past horrendous winter.
Coaches are hard at work at their desks planning for pre-season outings and new training routines and how best to settle in newly signed youngsters. The Youth Development effort never stops and over the summer the rate of scouting youth tournaments reaches a peak. At the senior level, the phone lines are buzzing as the work of procuring new players carries on.
In the gym the cacophonous blare of music pounds the eardrums as the most conscientious players work at their fitness levels ahead of what is sure to be a gruelling pre-season of rigorous training and preparatory friendly matches. The gaffer wants them to hit the ground running this time so they really need to get the work in early.
Commercial staff are working hard to renew business with corporate supporters and find new clients, whilst the ticket office is steadily turning out new season tickets for early birds. Phones ring, callers call.
Yup, its all go at every level of AFC, though to read the papers (do many people still do this?) it could be assumed that nothing is happening.

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