Tuesday 16 February 2010

Ahead of tonight's game against Raith, Pittodrie is a hive of activity - from the Sodexo staff getting the lounges set up for corporate use to the ground staff fixing seats that were daqmaged on Saturday the place is buzzing. During the morning there was a tour of the stadium with Walter showing round a large party of school kids - probably their first time inside the old place.
Also to be seen was a young fan filming all around the place so that she will have material for editing into DVDs that the AFC Heritage Trust will be making from time to time.
The young players came in drookit from a tough morning training session and looked more than ready for a bowl of chicken soup and a plate of chilli with saffron rice. They get well supplied with fruit, yoghurt or milk if they want it - got to keep their strength up, they are growing loons after all.
Willie Miller had a couple of his youth development men in for a chat and a bite of dinner. The coaching network is widespread these days and there's heaps to be done. More on that in a future chapter, it deserves some special attention.
The ticket office is reasonably busy, but we need more fans queuing up for this game, numbers count. The team will be well wound up to get the victory, but their chances will increase if they get the vocal backing tonight, drowning out the Raith fans and intimidating their players. We all know that for the Dons a game against first division should be a walk in the park but let's not take anything for granted. United we stand, so Come On You Reds!

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