Friday 19 February 2010

Let it Snow

Preparations for Saturday's game down the road against Falkirk weren't helped when Mother Nature dumped her white blanket over the Silver City. Good job the Pittodrie pitch was available. The chaos on the roads around Aberdeen wouldn't have helped either - hope the team bus has good traction on the iced up surfaces.

A welcome visitor at Pittodrie was past player and current chairman of the Former Players' Association. He was in to do an interview for RedTV and the FPs magazine. After the dreaded filming he was spotted in the canteen having a bowl of soup with Chris Gavin and chatting with Mark McGhee and Neil Cooper. Your fly on the wall can't divulge the nature of the banter but some of it would make a coal heaver blush.

The Under-19s had their league match against St. Mirren, due to be played in Paisley this afternoon, postponed due to an "unplayable pitch". Nothing to do with St. Mirren's Youth Cup quarter final due to be played on Sunday then?

Cleaners were hard at work today cleaning up the Richard Donald Suite after a Wednesday night bash for students from Aberdeen Uni. It seems the guests got more than a bit carried away and worked pretty hard at wrecking the joint. The extent of damage done was disgusting - so much for a good education...

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